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Latest news!
June 16th, 2015
Scientific Programme Updated, have a look at it here!
June 16th, 2015
Regular Registration Fee
September 30th, 2015
Experts meeting on Mental Health Strategy in Spain in Málaga. More information to come
June 15th, 2015
Early bird registration ends
Available titles of keynotes speeches

Visitor no. 50549

1-3 October, 2015

Contact info

C/ Narváez, 15 1ºIzq
CP: 28009
Madrid (Spain)
Phone: +34 902 43 09 60
Fax: +34 902 43 09 59
[email protected]

Contact form

The commitment to Sustainability and Social Responsibility is one of the main features that make it easy to recognize that it is an event organized by Fase20. We organize events that have an added value. Fase20 collaborates with the sustainability of the environment through a wide range of measures as to minimize the environmental footprint generated by conducting such events.